Intern with Aegon AM- Eugene Cho from FSIS team

Q: Hi Eugene, can you tell us a bit about yourself and your team?

Hi, I’m Eugene Cho. I’m pursuing a master’s degree in financial economics at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. I’m from South Korea but I was born and raised in Indonesia. I also worked at a consulting company in the United Arab Emirates for two years. I’ve been interning at the Fiduciary Services and Investment Solutions (FSIS) team in the Hauge for the past five months.

Q: How did you find the internship program at Aegon AM?

On the website of a study association, I saw a post about the Aegon AM internship event at my university. During the event, I learned about the workings of an asset management firm and spoke with employees from different teams. I wanted to learn more about developing investment solutions for clients so I applied for an internship at the FSIS team.

Q: What is a typical work day like for you at Aegon AM?

On a typical work day, I support my team with research on various topics, check my email and market updates, and read up on different asset classes. My team focuses on and publishes articles on liability driven investing and ESG investing so I’ve looked into topics such as ESG investing practices and regulatory guidelines.

Q: How did you find your internship experience?

I enjoyed my internship as I had a friendly team and learned more than I imagined. Every time I looked into a topic, a challenge that I faced was to think carefully about the relevance and context of information and piece different bits together. For example, when I was researching how pension funds and insurance firms incorporate ESG into their risk management practices, I had to think critically about challenges that firms face and come up with potential solutions to work around those challenges.

Q: How do you think this internship experience will help you in your career?

During my internship, I realized that I wanted to work at an asset management firm, in an open environment, and learn from experienced, friendly colleagues. I got exposure to topics such as liability driven investing, asset allocation guidelines, and ESG investing and would like to focus on ESG investing as I kickstart my career.

Q: How would you summarize your internship experience in three words?

Stimulating, open, fun!

In this short video Eugene gives an insight into her time interning on the Fiduciary Services and Investment Solutions (FSIS) team within Aegon AM.