Aegon Strategic Global Bond Fund

A sub fund of Aegon Asset Management Investment Company (Ireland) Plc

ISIN: IE00B296YP53 SEDOL: B296YP5 SFDR Classification: Article 8

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Fund changes from 22 February 2024

Please note that the following share classes for this fund closed on 22 February 2024. A letter detailing options for shareholders in these share classes was issued on 22 January 2024 and you will find a copy HERE



Share class


Aegon Strategic Global Bond Fund

A Inc GBP (Hedged)


Aegon Strategic Global Bond Fund

S Inc GBP (Hedged)


Aegon Strategic Global Bond Fund





Prospective investors are advised to read this letter in advance of investing.

Fund description

The Aegon Strategic Global Bond Fund is an unconstrained, flexible portfolio that consists of a dynamic blend of the fixed income universe constructed to maximise risk adjusted total returns through the cycle. The fund delivers returns from a combination of targeted market beta (both interest rate and credit) and a diverse range of attractive alpha ideas. Whilst not rigidly constructed around a benchmark, investors can compare performance relative to the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Bond Index USD.

Key performance drivers

Our strategic bond funds are portfolios of our best ideas from a diverse range of alpha sources.   The  Portfolio managers also have the ability to overlay the alpha positioning with tactical, targeted beta positioning through the use of derivatives.

  • Duration and yield curve ideas - Outright duration positioning, Cross G7 market selection, Curve steepeners or flatteners, real yields vs nominal.
  • Asset allocation and credit risk positioning - Government vs IG vs HY vs EM, Political preferences e.g. Italy, France, UK, Identifying themes e.g. oil disruption and tariffs.
  • Sector and security selection - Financial vs corporates and senior vs subordinated debt, Sector choices e.g. consumer staples, retail, utilities, Cash-flow focus, asset recourse, sector winners

Distinguishing characteristics

  • Truly flexible solution - Our strategic bond funds are diversified, flexible solutions that provide broad exposure to fixed income markets. With such a substantial opportunity set, it is vital for our team to use the flexibilities available to them to actively navigate the market. Having identified six ways to make money covering fixed income markets, we adapt the portfolio to benefit from each of these alpha sources across the market cycle.
  • Extensive resource – As part of a 140-strong fixed income platform, our Strategic bond team are able to tap into a vast set of insights spanning across the fixed income universe. Our team is deeply resourced, expanding idea generation and gives us greater conviction in our bottom-up ideas.
  • Risk focus - The key differentiator relative to many of our peers, rests in our unwavering focus on delivering alpha dominated risk-adjusted returns above purely allocating market beta. We invest in liquid fixed income instruments, not muddying the water with FX risk, equity risk or private placements. Investors are exposed to only fixed income risks and returns.


Fund details

Fund Manager

Alexander Pelteshki, CFA

Alexander Pelteshki, CFA

Portfolio Manager

Alexander Pelteshki, portfolio manager, is a member of the multi-sector portfolio management team.

Full profile
Colin Finlayson, CFA

Colin Finlayson, CFA

Portfolio Manager

Colin Finlayson, portfolio manager, is a member of the global rates and multi-sector portfolio management teams.

Full profile


Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The fund is intended to be a medium to long-term investment and the principal risk is the loss of capital.


The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. Outcomes, including the payment of income, are not guaranteed.


Any investment objective, benchmark and yield information should not be considered as an assurance or guarantee of the performance of the fund or any part of it.

Fund Charges are taken from income but will be taken from capital where income is insufficient to cover charges. Please be aware that each fund presents its own risk profile. Before making an investment decision, please read the KIID for an explanation and refer to the prospectus for information about all relevant risks, including all material risks for this fund.


The KIID and Prospectus are available here on our website and also by calling our investor helpdesk on + 353 1 622 4493 or in writing from Citigroup Europe plc, PO Box 11167, Cardiff Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland.


Aegon Asset Management neither warrants, represents nor guarantees the contents of the information, nor does it accept any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or any inconsistencies herein.

Investors in the UK, Ireland and Channel Islands: A limited range of funds and share class have “Reporting Fund” status and more information about this status is contained in the full prospectus.