This site is intended only for non-US professional investors or US-based fiduciaries representing non-US investors eligible to invest in Aegon Asset Management’s (the “Company”) UCITS funds. This site, and the funds described herein, are not suitable for individual investors.
The following information regarding the Company’s funds is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer for shares, products or services and should not be interpreted as an offer to sell, an invitation to acquire an investment, or a solicitation of an offer to buy for any persons who are prohibited from receiving such information under their domiciled local laws.
Aegon Asset Management Investment Company (Ireland) Plc is structured as an umbrella type open-ended investment company with variable capital consisting of a number of different sub-funds (“Funds”) and is authorized in Ireland pursuant to European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) UCITS Regulations and the Central Bank UCITS Regulations (“UCITS Regulations"). Aegon Asset Management Europe ICAV is structured as an umbrella type open-ended investment ICAV with variable capital consisting of Funds and is authorized in Ireland as a UCITS pursuant to the UCITS Regulations.
These Funds are registered in Ireland and are available only to residents of those jurisdictions where allowed by law. Investors that do not meet these requirements will be denied access by the Company.
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Austria.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
If you are a retail investor, we recommend that you seek qualified financial advice before making any investment decisions.
You can get the current prospectuses, accounts, important information for investors and fund prices at Please click the accept button and select the county in which you live and identify yourself as a private investor.
Risk notice - Capital risk. The value of investments can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Belgium.
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If you are a retail investor, we recommend that you seek qualified financial advice before making any investment decisions.
You can get the current prospectuses, accounts, important information for investors and fund prices at Please click the accept button and select the county in which you live and identify yourself as a private investor.
Risk notice - Capital risk. The value of investments can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Denmark.
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This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Finland.
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This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in France.
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Attention aux fraudeurs se faisant passer pour Aegon Asset Management, d’autres institutions financières et organismes de régulation: Nous avons reçu plusieurs signalements de fraudeurs se faisant passer pour Aegon AM et d’autres entreprises en créant de faux sites web, de fausses publicités et de fausses adresses mail. Pour en savoir plus sur la manière de vous protéger contre ces escroqueries et comment signaler un comportement suspect,veuillez lire ce qui suit.
If you are a retail investor, we recommend that you seek qualified financial advice before making any investment decisions.
You can get the current prospectuses, accounts, important information for investors and fund prices at Please click the accept button and select the county in which you live and identify yourself as a private investor.
Risk notice - Capital risk. The value of investments can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Germany.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
If you are a retail investor, we recommend that you seek qualified financial advice before making any investment decisions.
You can get the current prospectuses, accounts, important information for investors and fund prices at Please click the accept button and select the county in which you live and identify yourself as a private investor.
Risk notice - Capital risk. The value of investments can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Jersey.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Ireland.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Italy.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Luxembourg.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
If you are a retail investor, we recommend that you seek qualified financial advice before making any investment decisions.
You can get the current prospectuses, accounts, important information for investors and fund prices at Please click the accept button and select the county in which you live and identify yourself as a private investor.
Risk notice - Capital risk. The value of investments can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Malta.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in the Netherlands.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
If you are a retail investor we recommend that you take qualified financial advice before making any investment decisions. You can obtain the latest prospectus, accounts, Key Investor Information and fund prices at
Risk Warning Capital at risk. The value of investments may go up or down and is not guaranteed.
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Norway.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Portgual.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Spain.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
If you are a retail investor, we recommend that you seek qualified financial advice before making any investment decisions.
You can get the current prospectuses, accounts, important information for investors and fund prices at Please click the accept button and select the county in which you live and identify yourself as a private investor.
Risk notice - Capital risk. The value of investments can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Legal documents of the Fund(s), such as the KIID and/or prospectus, before making any final investment decisions.
I confirm that I am a Professional Investor based in Sweden.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
This Website and all information contained herein is intended for exclusive use of qualified investors as defined in the Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes of 23 June 2006 (the “CISA”) and in its implementing ordinance, which have their residence or registered office in Switzerland (the “Qualified Investors”), excluding opt up Qualified investors.
Entry to the website is subject to your understanding of certain terms and important information which are available below:
If you are not a Qualified Investor or are an opt up Qualified Investor under CISA with residence or registered office in Switzerland, we recommend you consult a financial adviser before making any investment decisions.
You can get the current prospectuses, accounts, important information for investors and fund prices at Please click the accept button and select the county in which you live and identify yourself as a private investor.
Risk notice - Capital risk. The value of investments can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.
For investors in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Uruguay:
This material does not constitute an offer of products or securities in any country listed above or in any jurisdiction within Latin America and should not be construed as such. Unless otherwise indicated, no regulator or government authority has reviewed the content or the merits of any products and services referenced or implied herein. This material is being made available only to the extent it is in accordance with the restrictions and/or limitations implemented by any applicable laws and regulations. Information is directed at and intended only for institutional investors and their advisers for informational purposes and may not be reproduced in any form. Before acting on any information provided herein, prospective investors should inform themselves of, and observe, all applicable laws, rules and regulations of any relevant jurisdictions and obtain independent advice if required.
If your country is not listed above, please contact us.
Please note that some changes to this fund will take place on 7th May 2024. The changes relate to the investment objective, policies and investment process of the Fund, please read the Investor Notice which was issued to shareholders on 19 April 2024.
A copy of the shareholder notice can be foundHERE >>
Fund description
The Aegon Global Sustainable Sovereign Bond Fund aims to invest in financially strong countries that contribute to the improvements in sustainability targets as defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe our actively managed portfolio offers investors strong capital-preservation characteristics and attractive yields. The fund is benchmarked against the ICE BofA Global Government Index.
A distinctive strategy
A unique methodology - While our approach is aligned with UN standards, it reflects the specific challenges at country, income group and regional level. We identify whether a country is on course to achieve its targets and compare it to representative peers.
Future-focused - The investment universe consists not only of sustainable leaders but also the leaders of tomorrow - countries that are visibly moving towards sustainable development. It allows our clients to finance the transition of countries towards sustainability, while also offering yield pick-up versus developed markets.
Attractive risk & return profile - Sustainable countries have the potential to show a higher resiliency in the long-term under scenarios such as climate change and social instability. Global diversification helps to minimize specific risks, dampens portfolio volatility, and can generate excess returns by capturing an illiquidity premium. Achieving sustainable returns in a stable manner is especially relevant for clients with long-term investment horizons.
Global scope - Being global in our remit broadens our opportunity-set without tying us to a specific region. The methodology allows us to have opinions on a country's sustainability approach regardless of their rating and whether they have issued bonds or not.
Climate focused - Climate plays a fundamental role in analysis and in asset allocation, where a country’s current policies are examined under the perspective of the transition to net zero.
Active ownership - The Fund offers a first step towards engagement with sovereign issuers. Our regular contact with government officials, debt management officers and other sovereign investors enables us to be an active force for positive change.
Building a portfolio
The portfolio is a combination of financially robust countries that show a high ambition to tackle the sustainability challenges as defined by the United Nations.
The process starts with a thorough sustainability assessment. This exercise defines the investable universe, and countries considered not sustainable (either classified as ‘neutral’ or ‘detrimental’) cannot be part of the strategy.
After the investable universe has been defined, our portfolio construction process takes into consideration elements such as:
Obtaining proper returns for the risks incurred.
Analysing the fundamentals of an issuer to ensure debt can be repaid.
Achieving global diversification in our regional exposure.
Targeting a balanced representation in global sustainability challenges.
Including considerations for climate alignment
Considering material ESG elements that may affect the creditworthiness of an issuer.
Evaluating the presence of externalities and spillovers in the portfolio.
Integrating sustainability in government bond portfolios
Brunno Maradei, CFA, Irina Kurochkina, CFA and Julius Huttunen, CFA talk about how to integrate sustainability in government bond portfolios.
How are financial institutions using the SDGs?
Irina Kurochkina, Portfolio Manager of the Global Sustainable Sovereign Bond Fund, explores the ways in which finance institutions are incorporating the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework.
Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The fund is intended to be a long term investment and the principal risk is the loss of capital.
The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. Outcomes, including the payment of income, are not guaranteed.
Any investment objective, benchmark and yield information should not be considered as an assurance or guarantee of the performance of the fund or any part of it.
Fund Charges are taken from capital, increasing distributions but constraining capital growth. Please be aware that each fund presents its own risk profile. Before making an investment decision, please read the KIID for an explanation and refer to the prospectus for information about all relevant risks, including all material risks for this fund.
Aegon Asset Management is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information supplied by Lipper. Aegon Asset Management neither warrants, represents nor guarantees the contents of the information, nor does it accept any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or any inconsistencies herein.
Investors in the UK, Ireland and Channel Islands: A limited range of funds and share class have “Reporting Fund” status and more information about this status is contained in the full prospectus.