Responsible solutions

Integrating ESG analysis into our investment process is only one part of our responsible stewardship approach for clients. We aim to be a market leader in developing effective solutions that help our clients meet their responsible investment needs and goals. We segment our responsible investment capabilities into five categories, as set-out in the table below. These solutions serve as building blocks that can be combined to create customized client strategies.



Exclusions and ethical

Best-in-class ESG.png

Best-in-class ESG

Climate transition-icon.pngClimate transition


Impact investment-icon.pngImpact investing

Identify companies to exclude usually based on their activities and led by client preferences.


Select companies with relatively superior ESG profiles based on financially material ESG issues.

Select companies better prepared to manage climate risks.

Select companies better aligned to sustainable economic activities or the Sustainable Development Goals.

Select projects, borrowers or issuers able to demonstrate measurable social or environmental impact.

Not all products are available to all investors or in all jurisdictions. Strategies are generally offered through locally licensed affiliates. Certain capabilities may not be open to new investors.

Responsible Investment Solutions

Our responsible solutions build on ESG integration to provide a range of investment capabilities designed to meet clients’ financial goals and objectives whilst allowing them to invest in a way that aligns with their values and views on responsible investing.

Global Sustainable diversified growth

Global Sustainable Equity Fund

Global Sustainable Sovereign Bond Fund

Global short dated climate transition fund

ABN AMRO Aegon Global Equity Impact Fund

European ABS Fund

The investment objective is to maximise total return (income plus capital) over the medium term at a lower risk than global equity markets by investing in a diversified portfolio of global assets.

Launched on 21 April 2016, the Fund invests in innovative and disruptive companies that are providing solutions to today’s sustainability challenges. This is a high-conviction growth-focused portfolio of 35-45 companies, with the theme of sustainability running through each position.

The Aegon Global Sustainable Sovereign Bond Fund aims to invest in financially strong countries that contribute to the improvements in sustainability targets as defined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe our actively managed portfolio offers investors strong capital-preservation characteristics and attractive yields. The fund is benchmarked against the ICE BofA Global Government Index.

The Aegon Global Short Dated Climate Transition Fund is a simple, liquid, and transparent short-dated bond strategy. It embeds proprietary climate transition research to direct investments to companies that have robust, credible plans to transition towards a low carbon economy and therefore are better aligned with investors’ net-zero goals. It adopts a best-in-class ESG approach to construct the portfolio with issuers who we have identified as having the best ESG categories, with the lowest ESG risks.

The strategy aims to provide long term capital appreciation through a conviction portfolio of 40-80 global high quality companies that generate measurable socio-economic or environmental benefits.



Het European ABS Fund belegt voornamelijk, direct of indirect, in asset-backed securities, verdeeld over verschillende emittenten, onderpanden, sectoren en landen. Het fonds belegt voornamelijk in door woninghypotheken gedekte effecten en door commerciële hypotheken gedekte effecten, consumentenleningen, autoleningen, creditcardleningen, zakelijke leningen en andere door activa gedekte effecten. Het beleggingsproces is gericht op het toevoegen van waarde door middel van een actief selectiebeleid voor emittenten, sectoren en landen.