
Unsere Anlagekompetenzen basieren auf einer von vier globalen Investmentplattformen: Fixed Income (Anleihen), Real Assets (reale Vermögenswerte), Equities (Aktien) und Multi-Asset & Solutions. Alle vier Plattformen werden jeweils von einem Global Chief Investment Officer (CIO) geleitet, die unserem Global Management Board angehören.

Fixed Income

Real Assets


Multi-Asset & Solutions

Our capabilities

Our Fixed Income platform delivers investment solutions that span the quality and yield spectrum. Active management, in-depth fundamental research, and downside risk management are at the core of our approach.

Our equities platform provides high conviction, actively managed portfolios that blend qualitative and quantitative analysis to identify companies the market underappreciates and undervalues. Stock selection is key to our portfolios return.

Aegon Asset Management has been managing multi-asset portfolios for over 35 years. We have significant experience of managing large balanced mandates for insurance affiliates.